The below table summarizes the voice commands that can be used on different pages of the app.

Page Command Action Upcoming Release
Login Page EMAIL to enter email id
Login Page PASSWORD to enter password
Login Page APPLICATION SETTINGS opens settings
Login Page EXIT APPLICATION to close the app
Settings ACCOUNT opens account page
Settings >> Account LOGOUT logout current user
Settings >> Account SET USERNAME edit the username
Settings >> Account UPDATE seen only while editing username
Settings >> Server SERVER opens Server page
Settings >> Server EDIT to start editing the server fields
Settings >> Server EDIT WEBSERVER edit webserver URL
Settings >> Server EDIT COMMUNICATION SERVER edit comm server URL
Settings >> Server EDIT MEDIA SERVER edit media server URL
Settings >> Server EDIT TURN SERVER edit turn server URL
Settings >> Server SAVE to save edited changes
Settings >> Server CANCEL EDIT to cancel editing
Settings >> Appearance APPEARANCE opens appearance page
Settings >> Appearance DARK THEME Switch to dark theme Y
Settings >> Appearance LIGHT THEME switch to light theme Y
Settings >> Support SUPPORT opens support page
Settings >> Advanced CLEAR CACHE clear cache or local app data
Settings >> Advanced SEND LOGS Send app logs to Imaginate
Settings CLOSE close the settings page (or go back from any of the existing settings tabs to the login screen)
After Login ENTER USERNAME to change username
After Login CONTINUE to move to jobs/procedures page after login
After Login CANCEL to go back to login page
Jobs Page JOBS go to jobs tab
Jobs Page FILTER COMPLETED to view completed jobs
Jobs Page FILTER NEW to view new jobs
Jobs Page REFRESH to refresh jobs
Jobs Page PAGE NEXT to view more jobs in next page
Jobs Page PAGE BACK go back to previous page in list of jobs
Jobs Page YES/NO (resume) resume a job if it already exists
Jobs Page SELECT ITEM n opens job with item number n
After selecting a Job START JOB to start that job
After selecting a Job CLOSE JOB go back to list of jobs
Procedures Page REFRESH to refresh procedures
Procedures Page PAGE NEXT to view more procedures in next page
Procedures Page PAGE BACK go back to previous page in list of procedures
Jobs Page YES/NO (resume) resume a job if it already exists
Procedures Page SELECT ITEM n opens procedure with item number n
After selecting a procedure START JOB to start the job of that procedure
After selecting a procedure CLOSE WINDOW go back to list of procedures
Normal job START JOB to start performing job
Normal job CONFIRM to record after starting the job
Normal job CANCEL perform the job without recording
Normal job CLOSE JOB close current job and go back to Jobs page
Normal Job STOP JOB stop performing the job (so that you can mark it as completed)
Normal Job SUBMIT submits the job as completed so that logs can be generated
Normal Job EXIT JOB exits the job without completing it. It will be in "new jobs" page and can be resumed later
Normal Job STEP NEXT go to next step
Normal Job STEP BACK go to previous step
Normal Job SHOW MEDIA show media of that step
Normal Job SELECT ITEM n select one particular image/video/3D obj to see it
Normal Job SELECT AXIS X/Y/Z select an axis to view the 3D object on
Normal Job TURN BACK/NEXT turn on axis for 3D objects
Normal Job PLAY/PAUSE play/pause video
Normal Job PREVIOUS/PLAY/NEXT move backwards/forwards across multiple videos
Normal Job ZOOM LEVEL 1/2/3/4 zoom image
Normal Job MEDIA NEXT/BACK go forward/back among the media
Normal Job GO BACK go back from the media to the text
Normal Job SHOW TEXT show description of that step
Normal Job ~SHOW PARTS~
Normal Job ~SHOW TOOLS~
Normal Job ADD NOTES to add step notes
Normal Job ATTACH PHOTO to attach a photo in that step log
Normal Job EXPOSURE LEVEL -2/-1/0/+1/+2 >> TAKE PHOTO brightness in photo
Normal job ZOOM LEVEL 1/2/3/4/5>> TAKE PHOTO zoom in photo
Normal job ATTACH VIDEO to attach a video in that step log
Normal Job START/STOP RECORDING start/stop recording the video you wish to save for the job step
Normal job EDIT NOTES to add some text in step log
Normal job SAVE NOTES to save attached text and media/ also goes back to step view
Remote call CALL EXPERT to view list of experts
Remote Call PAGE DOWN/UP paginating across list of experts
Remote call SELECT ITEM n - starts remote call with expert number n
Remote call MUTE MIC - mute yourself in call
Remote call UNMUTE MIC - unmute yourself
Remote call SHOW/HIDE LIVESTREAM - shows/hides the video stream or snapshot or screen-share and goes back to job-view
Remote call CAPTURE - Capture Snapshot image if expert has requested for it
Remote call RETAKE - retake the image for snapshot
Remote call SHARE - share the snapshot image taken
Remote call SAVE IMAGE - save snapshot image to local storage
Remote call END CALL - end call with remote expert
Conditional Job PROCEED User can use voice commands prompted by the bot (e.g. "PROCEED")
Conditional Job SCROLL UP To scroll up and down across the screen
Conditional Job SCROLL DOWN
Conditional Job SCROLL END
Conditional Job EXIT JOB - close the current job and go to jobs page
Conditional Job SHOW PHOTO - opens the latest image in Chat
Conditional Job SHOW VIDEO - opens the latest video in Chat
Conditional Job CLOSE MEDIA - closes both image and video view
Conditional Job CALL EXPERT - calls remote expert Y


  1. DO NOT use “dictation” when using the “add notes” feature inside a job
  2. In general, for realwear, any actions which can be done by speaking a command are mentioned in CAPITALS in the app

Page icon has been used from Flaticon