Assist has two components:
The application can be used by remote experts and field technicians. Apps for multiple platforms exist and the correct application (depending on the platform of your choice) should be use for the role that you intend to use it for.
The Assist application can be used on 2D, Android, iOS app(s) and wearables:
- head-mounted devices (typically voice controlled e.g.: Realwear HMT-1)
- smartphones/tablets (Android and iOS both)
- Windows PC
You can use the Assist application for a host of features, including (but not limited to)
- Interacting with images, videos (play, pause, stop), 3D models (zoom in/out, rotate), PDFs for a job to be performed.
- Explore mode to go through all the steps before starting the job
- Ability to start the job with Recording On/Off
- Ability to take (and edit) notes for every step and attach media (images/videos) while taking notes
- Ability to automatically trigger webhooks/APIs after every step
- Performing a job offline and sync-ing logs when you have access to internet later
- Procedures/SOPs can be single flow or chat-based (where conditional flows have been incorporated).
- Remote calling for assistance - Calling experts and the ability to see live video of both operator and expert along with the ability to hear bidirectional audio, do live annotations, share screen, share browser (Authorized experts for one job may be different from the experts for another job)
- Backend CMS
- The CMS is used to create SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and can also be used to create (repeatable) jobs from aforementioned SOPs.
- Logs for jobs can be viewed on the CMS as well.
Assist supports low bandwidth mode to enable video-less, audio enabled support.
Using Assist
Typically, a remote expert would be a user using the Desktop application of Assist.
A field technician would have to use a similar (compatible) app for his hand-held device, hands-free device.
The documentation for preferred devices that can be used by a particular role/user type (i.e.: field technician or remote expert) is as below:
- Field Technician
- Android phones and tablets (if using Lenovo ThinkReality A3 Smartglasses, it’s behaviour is identical to that for Android phones/tablets)
- iOS devices (iPhones and and iPads)
- Realwear HMT-1
- Remote Expert (preferably using a Windows Desktop/Laptop)
Quick links to the documents linked above:
Field Technician - iOS + Android + A3
Field Technician - Realwear
Remote Expert - Windows Desktop/Laptop
To understand how to create an SOP/procedure through the web dashboard, please refer this page:
Creating an SOP through the Web Dashboard